Center for Information and Technology Law
Founded in 2002, the Center for Information & Technology Law (“Zentrum fuer Informationsrecht” – ‘ZFI’) at the Law Faculty of the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf conducts research and education across the entire spectrum of the law of the information society. The focus of the Center’s research is the effect of modern information technology on the German, European and international legal orders. The Center’s work is interdisciplinary, with contributions from the closely-related fields of economics and information technology.
The Center‘s directors are University Professors Prof. Dr. Altenhain, Prof. Dr. Dietlein, and Prof. Dr. Noack. An advisory board of attorneys and in-house legal professionals cooperates closely with the academic directors.
With the “Practice Forum on Information Law” (hosted in connection with the Alumni Network of the Information Law LL.M. Program), the Center provides lecture and discussion series in which subjects which are a focus of research activities are discussed in close proximity to law practice. The Düsseldorf Information Law Day event focuses on applied questions of IT law.
Further information is – as the LL.M. program will be taught in this language – only available in German.